Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Pat's Day!

Top o' the morning to you! The girls were really excited when they went to bed last night......they were hoping a little leprechaun would visit the Burns' house. They would not be disappointed! 

That little rascal used our potty! 

He left a trail of shamrocks and gold through the house! 

That ol' leprechaun didn't disappoint! He left the girls crowns and stickers!

Dang that leprechaun! When we put milk in our cups it turned green! That leprechaun must've talked with Elfie! 

This is my favorite part about holidays...getting to surprise the girls and make them smile! 

Dreadful Stomach Bug

This is what I call puke patrol. I'm so over it! 

We have had this norovirus stomach bug in our house for almost 11 days. First Sofie had it, then Addi....just when we think it is over and done with, Lance and I both get it! Our bedroom looked like some kind of hospice room yesterday! It was so sad! We managed to get ourselves together enough to pull off ole St. Pat's fun before we went to bed for the night. It was totally worth it! I forgot to put a pick of our green fingernails! We painted all of our nails green with our 'Anti-Pinch' nail polish. Gosh mom....quit slacking! 

With all this sickness in our house, it sure was a good thing that I had a week off of work. I have managed to get a lot done...craft wise that is! I had lots of girls over Thursday night and got my beautiful Origami Owl locket. So excited! 

A Little Craftiness

Here is a few of my crafties that I have worked on over the break! 

Monogrammed running shorts. $16 on Etsy.

Beautiful summer pocket tees! How fun! 

Love this sweet brown tee with the coral and mint! What makes it even sweeter is that it's a size 2T! 

I'm totally smitten with these boy's pocket tees. There is nothing cuter than a little boy with blue/white seersucker! I think I need me a cute little boy to dress in all these preppy clothes! 

More cute running shorts.....I will have tank tops to match coming soon! 

I couldn't resist making some of these rainboots for myself! Cute, Cute, Cute! 

Kisses from Katie

My mother-in-law Alice gave me a book at Christmas and she has asked me twenty times if I have read it. So.....since I am on break and all, I decided to break it out! It is called Kisses from Katie. It is an amazingly beautiful story about a teenage girl that dreamed of doing mission work in Uganda. She quickly made her dream into reality and has pretty much been there ever since. This girl has an amazingly strong faith in Christ. It is truly a beautiful story. I don't want to spoil too much! She has a blog that you should definitely check out. If you manage to make it through the book without shedding a few tears or wanting to give your heart to them I will be very surprised! 

My Struggles

So Lance and I have been trying to have baby #3 for about 9 months now. This is unheard of in the world of babies for us! Addi and Sofie were both conceived within 1-2 months. So I had went in for my annual physical back in June and I had some sketchy blood work. My thyroid was a little off and my iron was extremely low. In the back of my head, I have thought about all of this being connected somehow. So I finally called my OB and make an appointment. I went in and had more blood work done. They called me Friday with the results. My thyroid was still off and they have put me on meds for that. There is so many different symptoms that I have been having as a result of this thyroid issue. With these new meds, I hope to see some changes....for the better! They did a lot of different hormone test that I expect back in the next few weeks. So maybe, just maybe we will be hearing more good news in the future! 

I hope you guys have had a great weekend! Hopefully I can sweet talk Laurin and Jennifer into sharing the Gender Reveal party with you guys! 


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