Sunday, February 24, 2013

Just a Little About What's Going On....

I can't say that my life would ever classify as boring! We are always up to something or on the go. This week was not an exception! I have felt like I have had a pretty good balance this week......between work and craft-land. Lance has took on a lot of kid-land for me to make all the other happen. I did have an awesome night that was all about the girls on Thursday...with no crafts for mom involved! 


Addi came home on Wednesday and talked my ear off about her making pretend pizzas in the housekeeping center and that she HAD to make some at home. She really expected me to rush out to the grocery store that night and make it happen........but...... 

I somehow managed to hold her off until Thursday night. I told her that she had to have a list made out before we went to the grocery store. Needless to say, she came bounding in my classroom Thursday afternoon with her list all nice and made out (translated my Ms. Brittany & Ms. Michelle). We picked Sofie up and off to Kroger we went. $20 later.....we have all the pizza supplies on her list. I was totally trying to rationalize why we couldn't stop by Little Ceasars and pick up a $5 one! turned out to be an awesome project! Addi even brought home aprons for her and Sofie to wear while cooking. 

Addi helped chop olives with her kiddie knife. She spread the sauce, put the cheese on, and carefully......very carefully.....put all of the toppings on. It took us over an hour to make this one fabulous pizza! Sofie didn't care much about the whole process, except for wearing the apron and putting pepperonis on! The pizza turned out great and was a huge family success.  I would highly recommend this as a family fun night! 


A couple of weeks ago, we were pondering some different birthday gift ideas for a co-worker. She loves trinkets and girly stuff, so she is pretty easy to shop for. I was showing her this website for this jewelry line that my husband told me about. I know, right? What kind of hubby comes home and tells his wife about things like that?! This is the necklace and locket that we ended up ordering for her. I can't even tell you how precious it is! It looks way better in person than it does in this picture. I fell in love with it!! 

We gave her the gift on Tuesday and she loved it! Everyone loved it so much that I decided to host an Origami Owl Jewelry Bar party so everyone can create their own special necklace.  I don't know who is more or them! 


I have been a sewing momma here lately! My sis-in-law has been on my tail about making her this stroller cover. She lives in Canada where is it colder than I even want to I understand the need. I get so overwhelmed starting new things when my list is already a mile long. But....I decided to take it on and see what I could come up with. She send me the dimensions and we tweaked a few things here and there. I also managed to get her sweet little one a St. Patties Day and Easter shirt done. Gosh....I can't stand appliques. They drive me nuts! They are so pretty, but take forever! 

Elyssa's Easter looks like the bunny is shedding! 

This might be one of my fave little girl's shirts! The bright colors are so fun! 

I have a new project that I have been acquiring new things for throughout the last few weeks. Tomorrow I will pick up the last piece and share the finished project. 

I used the ModPodge to put this paper onto the wooden letter. I was surprisingly super easy. I painted a hefty coat onto the wood. Then another coat onto the back of the paper. Stuck the paper onto the letter and let it sit for a minute. The paper was so soft that it tore right off when I pulled it. I held my finger on top of the letter as I pulled down. I will share the completed fun on my next post! 


I think my children were possibly some kind of hoarder in a past life. They pack up everything...and I mean EVERYTHING and haul it around the house. They call it going on an airplane! We have flown with them several times....and Lord help us if we look like this! 

I feel like I can never keep the girls in clothes. Addi has high water pants on every other month. I get REAL excited when I see that Children's Place sale email come in. I really like the $2.99 and under one! I saw that email Saturday morning and promptly ran up kids still in pj's and all! I got the girls several cute things and even helped a friend out with things for her little boy. My fave finds happen to be these cute little boots! There were $4.25 ea. with the coupon I used! Can you believe that?! Jeans were only $8 a pair! I got insulated ski pants for $2.55 a pair! That makes me happy! 

This morning did not greet me with nice, pleasant people like most Sunday mornings. I think my sweet hubby was trying to make up for it just a little bit! These beautiful flowers definitely put a smile on my face! 

Sometimes when I take a picture, I just know that there will be a special use for it one day. I think this one will be a goldmine one day in the next.....say 15 years! 

Friday, February 22, 2013

Parent/Teacher Corner


This is my first year being on both sides of this desk. Trust is a little uncomfortable on both sides! The crazy thing is-both people want the same thing...what is best for your child! 

Come with a list of questions/concerns: This is your scheduled time to get anything answered. Make sure you take advantage of it. It is really easy to forget what you had on your mind when you are having a discussion with someone that has their own agenda.

Dont be afraid to ask about your childs friends/social interactions: Believe it or not, the people your child hangs around with have a HUGE impact on their academic success and behavior. After all... they spend more time with them each day than you! I am speaking first hand on the ability of other childrens influence on another child.

Make sure you leave knowing your childs strengths and weaknesses: The reason you need this information, is so you know how to help your child at home. When you notice your child struggling, use their strengths to build them up. For example, tell them that you really like how they did a great job on their spelling test. Make sure you encourage, encourage, encourage. Most of the time they are very hard on themselves. If you congratulate them on doing something well, they are more likely to take a chance on something that they are not so good at.

Dont wait until the teacher contacts you if you have a concern: As a teacher, I cringe each time I send home a failing grade. When you see this ask your child what happened, Chances are they have already had a conversation about it with the teacher. I have noticed the kids in my class blaming everything but themselves for failure. Even if you have the absolute worst teacher in the world, ultimately you are in control of your learning. As a parent I have seen my own children not wanting to accept responsibility. I want to be more conscious to make sure they take responsibility of themselves.

Make sure that you are on time: Usually these conferences are scheduled back to back and you want to make sure that you get the time allotted to you and make the most of it.

Please share things that you see at home with the teacher: Sometimes kids will share their struggles more freely at home than they will at school. If something is bothering your child let the teacher know

Friday, February 15, 2013

Trying to Get Back At It

Long time no see.I know!

I have been having technical complications with my pictures. School and Etsy have pretty much taken over my life for the last two weeks. I have tons of awesome stuff to share though!

During my crazy, busy two weeks I stumbled upon an awesome quick.easy recipe that I want to share! Yummmmmm!!!!!

Southwest Chicken Salad

Quite frequently I will just throw chicken breast in the crock pot with some taco seasoning. I just open a pack and dump it on top of the frozen chicken. I cook it for about 4-5 hours, until the chicken just falls apart. Then I added a can of Green Giant Southwest Corn. I really like this brand because it has black beans, red bell peppers and lime juice. Then I added some Chipotle Ranch and stirred it all together to make my version of Southwest Chicken Salad. I ate mine at first with a fork and it was delicious. Later, I picked up some Sun-dried tomato Wheat Thins and again it was awesome! It took a whole five minutes of my time to prepare and was amazing!

T-Shirt Land

Here is a few of my springy t-shirts that have been leaving the Burns’ house here lately.

I have even managed to get my homeless looking children wearing my shirts now! Wahoo! They argued over the pink one, so neither of them ended up with pink.

Well, at least they clean up well! These pics are from the Daddy/Daughter Dance from last weekend. Dad was a brave soul!

 We are greatly blessed this weekend with an extra two days off of schooland best of all, we are free of sickness this time! It is hard to believe that we are only 50 something days away from summer break already.